GyroQ has gotten a lot of positive attention in the blogosphere lately, which is awesome. If you haven't yet seen it, I encourage you to look at Robinz' post on it here.
And now I'm compelled to tell you about the dark side of unlimited power to capture information easily for later processing: When you first begin using the product, you may find yourself, as a result of a multiverse size braindump, staring down a thousand tasks which have been 'flushed' into your In-Tray map. Seriously, your sense of balance can easily be thrown for a jarring loop when you go to process your bloated In-Tray: Maybe you'll see yourself a bit like Frodo going into Mordor or Ricky Bobby after he begs Tom Cruise for help.
Here's the smashing part: having a ton of tasks to process really forces you to get good. You're playing tennis with Agassi at this point, scaling with Bruce Lee. And it's a great Result: you're compelled to get Professional about quickly accessing your maps in order to update them with nuggets from your flushed GyroQ.
Perhaps you'll go Buzz Bruggeman's route which I've followed and create an ActiveWord for each map you use regularly. Or maybe you'll have hyperlinks galore, jetting you everywhere imaginable in your glistening map infrastructure. Whatever your path, the key is making your infrastructure's highway into the autbahn. You're Rome.
Best Practice from Buzz Bruggeman: put an 'mm' in front of each ActiveWord you create for a MindMap.
I can't wait to read about all of the different ways people are using GyroQ and even more, how it's brought their mapping up a level.
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