Folks, it's been a great year so far:
- launched to great fanfare: We're talking people crying in the streets, parades, all-you-can-eat buffets, etc.
- I've put out the VSS (Visual Strategist Solution) FREE Life Management Template Set for MindManager. Personally, it's a pain-in-my-neck because it's made me work so hard to implement (yes, I do eat my own dogfood). Does that make me a pain-in-my-own-ass? Either way, it has given me a framework I trust.
- And I'm finally going to be getting Mindjet Certification Training in late-September. I really hope they have good eats at the certification as I eat like Joey Tribbiani when the food is free/someone else is paying.
- So, in celebration of Labor Day, I'll be going on my vacation the first part of September and then gearing up for a long-term engagement starting in early October.
Mainly, I have to take some time off to avoid hypocrisy: If you're a client, you know I advocate taking vacations and personal retreats to offset the grueling hours we all deal with. As I've done an absolutely abysmal job of this so far in 2007, the time has come.
The blog will be silent for a few weeks: Never fear though, I shall return after extreme laziness.
Technorati tags: Kyle McFarlin, Mindmanager, VSS, Visual Strategist Solution, Visual Strategist, Vacation, Laziness
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