In my interview on the Personal Productivity Show, I took great pains to say that one day a week, you should get off of your computer and not work for an ENTIRE DAY. Hot damn and oops, I think I may have shot my big mouth off too soon about turning the technology off. Look, if your idea of a great Saturday is making some computer music or playing some computer games, more power to you... that's hobby, not work. The last thing I want to do is destroy your enjoyment of the one day per week you tell your work where it can go, so if I spoke hastily, my apologies.
And in a lot of ways this is a CYA (Cover-Your-Ass) blog post as I was talking about me above when I said computer music and games (Seriously, I do mind mapping for a living: What the hell were you expecting, running with the bulls and shark fishing?). So, before I get booed out of the local Starbucks, I thought I would give you the insight that my original intention in telling you not to work/touch a computer 1 day per week was since most of you are desk jockeys, the easiest way to free you was to remove the enabler, your computer.
Turns out, this angers a lot of us who have hobby-related stuff on our computers. So... If your hobby is on your computer, orders from headquarters are for you to go crazy with it on your next full day off. Just don't give me any BS about your work being your hobby as an excuse to work. Even if originally it was a mere hobby, it's now a full-time gig and you need a different hobby to keep from going crazy (or too crazy if you're already there). Further, if you love your work and do it passionately 60-100 hours per work, one day a week is needed for proper brain elasticity (I'm not a scientist, but the brain does feel stretched at times). Just make sure you don't check e-mail or do any work. Repeat after me, 'E-mail & Work can kiss my ass on (Day you take off) '. There you go.
I know I'll be hobbying it up on my computer this coming weekend, with e-mail and work kissing my rump the entire time.
If you have any feedback, please leave a comment as there's still a part of me that thinks the computer ought to stay off completely one day per week if for no other purpose than change of scenery. What do you think?
Hi Kyle!
I totally agree with you and would add one extra bit.
GO OUTSIDE! Fresh Air Good! Sun Light Good! Lol
As computer geek myself getting trapped inside can seem fine but it really drags your emotions and energy down. This can happen without even you noticing till all of a sudden
- Crash!-
(you fall over and sleep at your keyboard, exaggerating only slightly as I do know someone who will work on their pc till they fall asleep face first on the keyboard. Usually at 2-3am)
I like doing Martial arts on the weekend and spend 3-6 hours every Saturday fighting with foam swords! I tell you that this is a heck of a way to relax.
Well Talk to you later...
Posted by: Jeremy Gaul | March 28, 2008 at 04:52 PM
Perfectly put. When I wrote the above, I made a writing 101 mistake, writing from my perspective and not filling in the blanks for people who aren't identical to me (read: Everyone). Even when I relax indoors, my natural path is to take the occasional walk for a break. As you said, there are people who will fall over before they go outside/move, so it is essential that movement occur and the outdoors be enjoyed. I think you have to go outside for Vitamin D anyhow, don't you?
Posted by: kyle776677 | March 30, 2008 at 04:35 PM