If you read my previous blog post, The Two Towers of Mind Mapping Books, you know Chuck Frey's book 'Power Tips and Strategies for Mind Mapping Software' is at the very top of my must-read list for every mind mapper.
I suppose if you're going to outdo someone, might as well be yourself, and Chuck has risen to the occasion by featuring an interview with me. It's on the subject of Dashboards, both in general and ResultsManager. For those of you who've never experienced the breezy magic of a Kyle McFarlin interview, you should read Chuck's new book... Chuck, I want to personally thank you for contributing to the healthy growth of my ego. To be more specific, the interview is on Pages 44-46.
Now, in my HUMBLE opinion, it's the case histories that will really turbo-charge your mind mapping. According to Chuck,
"In the surveys I have conducted, one of the things that came through loud and clear is that you really want to see examples of other people's maps, and to learn why they designed them the way they did. So I solicited "case histories" from my readers, and a group of you responded with some amazing stories!"
I haven't any arrogance left for you, so check out Chuck's new Power Tips and Strategies for Mind Mapping Software: Second Edition.
And if you haven't bought mind mapping software yet, you should buy from me because I'm humble like the pie.
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