It had to happen, it really did, didn't it:
I'm a Star! (FOLKS THE EGO HAS TRULY LANDED, PLEASE STAND BACK FROM THE CRASH SITE). Tony Goodson of the Productivity Show interviewed me recently... the same show David Allen, the founder of GTD, was once featured on!
Highlights include:
- Kyle's GTD: He's a heretic yet is mostly keeping his own dogfood down
- Mindjet MindManager: Pimp-out the interface
- The World's most offensive rap album!
- Second Life: The new warzone
- GyroQ and ResultsManager: Pimp your productivity
- Top Tips for having Meaningful Relationships and Pursuits
- Get a Life
THE REAL QUESTION: How does a mind mapping guru end up talking about 'flying penises' and 'burping'?...
Listen now to the most exceedingly delightful, productivity-tip-laced, controversial Interview the mind mapping world has ever experienced:
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